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2011-10-07 16:29:56

MIRIAM COLLEGE, Quezon City, the Philippines

Educators in Asia see that Globalization Offers Their

There’s a fundamental role for Asia’s institutions of higher education. “While we appreciate the universality of the human person in terms of values and the need for peace and understanding among different people,” Dr. Quisumbing-Baybay says, “we also help ensure that the diversity and richness of cultures flourish.” For example, a conservation case study on Javanese vernacular architecture, conducted by Soegijapranata Catholic University with a grant from the United Board, will digitize existing knowledge and devise means to incorporate the resulting online archive into the university’s architectural courses. Seven other Local Knowledge Initiative more



UNIVERSITI SAINS MALAYSIA, @Kampung Tok Senik, Langkawi Kedah


Web-based Technology as Learning Media for Javanese Vernacular Architecture Construction  

Moediartianto 1), R. Aji Nugroho Setiawan 2), Krisprantono 3)

The long established vernacular values of Java in Indonesia have been struggling to survive the onslaught of the forces of modernity. Imitating the west values, which is associated with standardization, reproduction, replication, and mass production, has been the part of urban culture. As a result, Javanese vernacular architecture is less popular and respected by the present day young generation and local knowledge is diminishing. For architect students, construction methods and techniques of vernacular building are the most difficult one to learn for due to component purposive meaning and material complexity but non-standard mechanics. In an effort to transform existing local knowledge of building construction as digital models, a couple of CAD and 3D visualization systems were performed. The development of a more engaging presentation media the resources will become more accessible and intriguing to the younger generation of students. Furthermore, web-based technology can be utilized to conserve local knowledge and provide learning facilities. It will increase the availability and accessibility of the knowledge for current day purposes as well as in the future. This paper presents the research results to provide student’s self conscious experience to learn construction aspects of Javanese traditional buildings. 

Keywords: Conference, Workshop, International

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Lecturer on Building Sciences

Department of Architecture


Curriculum Vitae

Anto Moediartianto