2013-11-17 06:25:45


INCLUSIVE DESIGN (Design Untuk Semua)

Gunawan Tanuwidjaja, ST, MSc. - Architecture, UK Petra Surabaya

Senin, 18 November 2013 mulai jam 18:00 di R.4.6 Lt. 4 Gedung Thomas Aquinas (Pasca Sarjana).

File Presentation

Kuliah ini akan diikuti secara khusus oleh mahasiswa S2 & S1 dalam MK. Perilaku (Ir. Supriyono, MT). Bagi mahasiswa di luar MK. tersebut harap mendaftar dengan menulis di form COMMENT di bagian bawah halaman ini dengan menyebutkan nama dan nim. Tempat terbatas (maksimum 20)!

Keywords: online, courses, inclusive design, climate responsive

On the 19th of August, 2013 I was asked to give a short talk about architectural practice in Indonesia. A stage for delivering this lecture series came from Archt. Anthonny Gutierez, Jr., UAP, Dean of CEAT- De La Salle University Dasmarinas and Archt. S. Naing, UAP, chair of Architecture Department. They are two important and nice persons who invited me as Visiting Lecturer at their university. (normally the program will be named visiting professor, but i am not a "professor' yet under the Indonesian Government regulation. So better to call it "visiting PROCESSOR"..:))

De La Salle University Dasmarinas (DLSUD) is located in Cavite province, the southern part of Metro Manila, the Philippines.

.......................................................(unfinished story)


Lecture's Notes

Topic       1_Tropical (Southeast Asia) Architecture

Topic       2_Bioclimatic Design Strategy

Topic 3 & 4_Thermal Performance & IAQ

Topic 5 & 6_Visual Performance

Topic       7_Building Simulation

Building Simulation

Please download the below files:

CAD_Urban Model_dxf

Solar Geometry_URBAN MODEL

Weather Data_MANILA_epw

Conference Room_SINGLE MODEL

Semarang wea

Model urban PERTH obj


Assignment please download here

Keywords: courses, exchange, tropical architecture

S1 - PAA 62
2012-07-26 00:31:50

The main purpose of the initial inspection, or walkover, is to gain an overall impression of the site and its surroundings, noting down the issues which may have a bearing on subsequent design proposals. 

Further reading Metoda Survey

Keywords: Survey, site, urban context, method

2012-07-05 09:46:20

The books are provided for my students under my supervision. You need password to open them. Research & Technology Buildings Educational Facilities Eco-Resort in the Tropics

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S1 - MK. SPA 6 - PTSB 6
2012-06-05 13:15:46

Structure Shell Structure Membrane_SpaceFrame

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2012-05-15 19:00:52

TUGAS REVIEW DESAIN silakan klik SAP   Lecturer Notes Technology_Performance Part 1 Part 2   Journals Journal 1_ Ergonomics  Seatings Journal 2_ Lighting Journal 3_ Color  

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2012-04-20 09:13:56

Untuk membuka dan mengunduh dokumen silakan diklik pada setiap nama dokumen: Fundamental Concept Existing Site  Desain makro Masterplan Rancangan 1    Plan   Image Sekuensial Rancangan 2    Plan   Image Sekuensial Rancangan 3    Plan   Image Sekuensial

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2012-04-12 07:26:06

SOAL UTS Dikerjakan di rumah, dan diserahkan pada saat atau sebelum UTS pada hari Senin, 23 April 2012. Semua peserta MK wajib hadir pada saat UTS untuk menandatangani daftar hadir. Selengkapnya silakan dipelajari dan diunduh di sini: Ketentuan soal (jika tugas diserahkan dalam bentuk softcopy harap berhati-hati sehubungan dengan kemungkinan error pada saat pengiriman via email. Pastikan pengiriman sesuai dengan ketentuan batas waktu maksimum. Tidak ada toleransi keterlambatan) Peta

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2012-04-11 08:57:29

Dalam merancang, metoda desain merupakan langkah awal yang penting untuk mengoptimalkan hasil desain. Permasalahan Desain State of the art

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Architectural design is not the application of discrete knowledge bases, but the integration of cumulative sequences of knowledge into a design including social, programmatic, technical and aesthetical issues. Design decisions can be the easier based on “judicious steps” the more parameters are already fixed and thus the less complex a decision becomes.  For this reason, environmental issues must be investigated and explored within the schematic design stag

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2011-10-07 16:29:56

MIRIAM COLLEGE, Quezon City, the Philippines Educators in Asia see that Globalization Offers Their There’s a fundamental role for Asia’s institutions of higher education. “While we appreciate the universality of the human person in terms of values and the need for peace and understanding among different people,” Dr. Quisumbing-Baybay says, “we also help ensure that the diversity and richness of cultures flourish.” For example, a conservation case st

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BREAKING NEWS! EVALUASI TUGAS 1 (UTS) Target produk yang wajib dikumpulkan: (1) Situasi (2) Siteplan (3) Denah (lengkap) (4) Tampak (minimal 1 per massa bangunan) (5) Potongan (lengkap)   Dikerjakan di dalam kertas roti. Teknik pensil/tinta. Penilaian dan masukan dari dosen pembimbing diperlukan sebagai persetujuan sebelum finalisasi produk. Harap diperhatikan KRITERIA PENILAIAN TUGAS GAMBAR KERJA  Ekskursi ke Perumahan Candi Golf (Jalan Jangli) direncanakan dilaksanakan

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S1 - MK. Estetika Bentuk
2011-04-08 16:39:59

Untuk membuka dan membaca Lecturer's Note silakan diklik pada judul Pertemuan 4 Mengolah Garis

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Abstract An electricity supply crisis has been faced by Indonesia. Applied long term electricity planning scenario by PLN was less considering environmental and new technology for utilizing renewable energies. Located under hot humid tropical climates, renewable energy sources in Indonesia can be found abundantly. While in use, buildings are intensive energy-users. Hence, poorly designed and operated contributes in the increasingly building energy consumption. KEYWORDS: renewable energy, a

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(Ber)arsitektur boros energi
2011-02-11 03:02:23

Maria Socorro Manguiat, legal officer divisi hukum lingkungan IUCN – The World Conservation Union tampak bersemangat ketika kami berdiskusi tentang Protokol Kyoto yang baru saja diberlakukan. Ia yang terlibat langsung dalam perjalanan pemberlakuan international treaty ini menjawab pertanyaan khusus tentang perubahan iklim global ketika saya berkesempatan mengunjungi markas IUCN yang berada kota Bonn di tahun 2005. Wanita asal Filipina ini menjelaskan secara rinci berbagai upaya menarik min

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  Pengertian ergonomis di kalangan desainer dalam berbagai bidang bisa jadi masih kurang populer atau diabaikan. Bahkan kata ini seringkali berkonotasi negatif karena dipandang membatasi inovasi dan kreativitas mendesain. Dalam proses penciptaan produk-produk terapan misalnya bangunan dan perabotannya, para desainer masih lebih suka bekerja dari perspektif dirinya dibanding dari kepentingan para penggunanya. Di Belanda, dilaporkan bahwa beberapa desainer, pabrik dan dealer furnitur kursi m

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About me :


Lecturer on Building Sciences

Department of Architecture


Curriculum Vitae

Anto Moediartianto